Australian Embassy
Majuro, Marshall Islands


For the latest information on our activities, please follow us on Facebook at Australian Embassy, Marshall Islands

Please find below recent press releases and Op-Eds from the Australian Embassy Majuro


2023 Press Releases

RMI-Australia: New Partnership Talks

Australia and RMI were pleased to hold inaugural Bilateral Partnership Talks in the Marshall Islands on 22 March. Australian senior officials travelled to Majuro to meet with RMI Government counterparts, and were joined online by officials in Canberra.

While our two countries share a long history of close engagement, these are the first multi-agency Talks covering all aspects of the partnership. This fulfilled a commitment by Foreign Minister Kitlang Kabua and Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong during the latter’s visit to Majuro in October 2022 and builds on the opening of the Australian Embassy in May 2021.

The talks were hosted by the Government of RMI and co-chaired by Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade Anjanette Kattil and visiting Australian senior official Mat Kimberley. The Talks explored ways to build cooperation in climate change, maritime security, economic development, gender empowerment, and people-to-people links, as well as ways to work even closer on regional and international issues such as on human rights and Ukraine.

Among the many outcomes, both sides agreed to look at new trade and tourism opportunities, share insights on emerging and geo-strategic challenges facing the region, work together on Australia’s bid with the Pacific to host the global COP31 climate conference in 2026, and safeguard the ongoing unity of the PIF through the ‘Suva Agreement’.  Both countries will keep developing RMI’s maritime law enforcement capability with the new Guardian Class patrol boat’s arrival next year and the building of a new wharf at Sea Patrol.

Foreign Secretary Kattil said “The RMI-AUS Bilateral Talks is indeed a testament to the enduring and strong friendship our two countries share. We are hopeful that we can continue this initiative in the years to come and further strengthen our bilateral relationship through these welcomed discussions”.

Building stronger people-to-people links was a focus of the Talks. In addition to its scholarships for RMI students, Australia committed to deploy around half a dozen volunteers to RMI in 2023 to various RMI organisations and continue to support two way cultural and sporting exchanges.

Australia also welcomed the chance to engage on regional oceans issues with the new Pacific Islands Forum Ocean’s Commissioner Dr Filimon Manoni and reaffirmed its support to RMI in hosting the regional Triennial Conference on Women in mid-2024.

In his final week as Australia’s first resident Ambassador to the RMI, Ambassador Brek Batley said “This is how friends act, by sitting down regularly and discussing the issues that matter to our countries and looking for opportunities. These Talks are another brick in the foundation of our enduring partnership.”
The next round of Bilateral Partnership Talks will be held in mid-2024.

For further media enquiries, please contact:
- RMI Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: [email protected]
- Australian Embassy Majuro: [email protected]


Australia's Budget: Delivering on Pacific Priorities 

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2022 Press Releases

Address to the Opening of the Women United Together Marshall Islands Annual Conference

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The Australia-North Pacific Connector - The First Flight from Brisbane

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Australia's Foreign Minister Senator the Hon Penny Wong - address during visit to the Marshall Islands in October 2022

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Australia's COVID-19 support to the Marshall Islands - helping frontliners to protect the community

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Australia's Prime Minister the Hon Anthony Albanese MP - "We are stronger together"

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RMI Dance Power Competition - Australian Embassy hosts the first Dance Competition in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with partners Power 103.5, OCIT and Sunrice

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Australia Post returns to the Republic of the Marshall Islands - After a break due to Covid-19, Australia Post has announced it is resuming services to the RMI

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Republic of the Marshall Islands and Australian cooperation on maritime security - 32 years of partnership

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Australian Embassy marks one year in Marshall Islands - Steadfast partner and friend to the Republic of the Marshall Islands

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Celebrating one year of being an Embassy

Torres Strait Mask Exhbition - Bringing the Torres Strait to the Marshall Islands

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Australia Day - Inaugural Australia Day celebrations

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Handicraft exhibition - Exhibition of Marshallese Handicrafts in Australia

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Anniversary of diplomatic relations - Australia and Marshall Islands celebrate 34 years together

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Opening our new Chancery - Australian Embassy finds a home in the NAPA Building

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